Thank you Good Black News and Lori Lakin Hutcherson for sharing these wonderful word searches made exclusively for the Mixed Remixed Festival. Download the e-book here.–Heidi Durrow
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Thank you Good Black News and Lori Lakin Hutcherson for sharing these wonderful word searches made exclusively for the Mixed Remixed Festival. Download the e-book here.–Heidi Durrow
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Want to buy a Mixed Remixed Festival t-shirt? We’re thinking about putting them on-sale on-line. Your purchase of a Festival t-shirt would help support the Festival you love. Leave a comment below if you’re interested or email info(at)mixedremixed.org.–Heidi Durrow
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I can’t stop smiling when I think about the wonderful performances and speeches at the Mixed Remixed Festival Storyteller’s Prize Presentation. We’ll share some of the video with you as soon as we can so stay tuned and follow our social media networks for updates. In the meantime, enjoy these photos from a most amazing night! Are you in any of the photos? And don’t forget to check out this gallery of photos to0!–Heidi W. Durrow (Having trouble viewing the photographs? See the photo gallery here.)
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We are so excited to share these awesome photos from the Festival! Check them out! And don’t forget to check out these photos too.-Heidi Durrow (Having trouble viewing the photos? You can view the photo gallery here.)
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The Mixed Remixed Festival was amazing! Thank you to everyone who came out! We’ll start to gear up for 2015 once we rest up a bit. But we want to hear from you! What did you like most about the day? What could be improved? Please fill-out our quick 3-question survey and help us make 2015 even bigger and better!-Heidi Durrow
What I Thought About the Festival!
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We’re making a public service announcement for the festival. Film and television star Terrell Tilford will make his directorial debut with this short film and we need your help. Stop by and tell us on camera what the festival means to you. We’ll be filming from 1pm to 4:30pm at the festival on 6/14! See you there!–Heidi Durrow
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A: I’ve been asked so many times and I still don’t know the best way to answer the question. The simplest answer is half white on my mom’s side and half black on my father’s.
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We’ll be headed over to Far Bar, 347 East 1st Street, after the show and dessert reception on Saturday night! Won’t you join us? If you have a Festival name badge you’ll get 10 percent off (alcohol not included).
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We’re very excited that KPCC will produce a panel at the Mixed Remixed Festival 6/14 at 1pm. Join us for this special discussion moderated by KPCC’s Josie Huang.
#Multicultivate: Can diversity really be taught?
The interracial Cheerios commercial. The Swiffer ad with a mixed race family and a dad who lost a hand and part of his arm. The Honey Maid #ThisIsWholesome campaign featuring a range of families, including a gay couple and their two sons. All three use a marketing strategy that speaks to our increasingly diverse populations in Southern California and around the country.
These commercials reflect the realities of many kids’ lives, and have sparked conversation about diversity right in our living rooms or at our kitchen tables. But how effective is talking, really? Are there other ways parents and caregivers can broach discussion about diversity? And if it’s actually “teachable,” what approaches make the message stick?
Saturday afternoon, June 14, from 1:00 – 2:30pm, KPCC emerging communities and immigration reporter Josie Huang takes the Crawford Family Forum on the road to the Japanese American National Museum. She’ll talk with a special panel about how we can help kids understand and appreciate the diversity of their own families and communities… and what they see in other kids – and adults – around them.
This conversation and Q&A is part of the Mixed Remixed Festival’s day of programming.
An exciting new festival, the Mixed Remixed Festival brings together film and book lovers to celebrate stories of multiracial, mixed and hapa individuals with workshops, readings, film screenings and live performances for the largest West Coast celebration of Loving Day.
*Please note that RSVPs for this event will be collected by The Mixed Remixed Festival, and may be placed here: https://www.artful.ly/store/events/3413
Heidi Durrow: The Girl Who Fell from the Sky (New York Times bestseller, PEN/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction winner) author; Mixed Remixed Festival founder; Ebony Magazine Power 100 Leader.
Sonia N. Kang: Multiracial Americans of Southern California (MASC) vice-president; The Mixed Up Blog writer, Modern Mom contributor; Multiculti Cuties co-founder.
Terrence Franklin and Jeffrey Moline: Trust and estates litigation attorney, Sacks, Glazier, Franklin & Lodise, LLP founding partner; has two teenage daughters with former wife, who is also African American; partner of songwriter, musician and filmmaker Jeffrey Moline.
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