Yarmulkes & Fitted Caps: Poetry Workshop
In this lecture, Aaron will discuss the process of writing his book of poetry Yarmulkes & Fitted caps, and his experiences teaching race and identity workshops using the artistic process as a catalyst for engaging in difficult conversations. “As a writer and educator, one of my primary agendas is to tell my own personal story growing up in a multiracial multi-faith household in Providence, Rhode Island. By pulling from experiences in learning about my Black identity and my Jewish identity, I aim to weave a narrative through my work that reflects the depth and complexity of my own cultural navigation.”
Putting the "M" in LGBT ! - Writing Mixed *and* Queer
Ask for a list of queer writers and it’ll be a long list. Ask for a list of bi-racial or multi-racial writers and you’ll get a medium-sized list. But ask for a list of bi-racial or multi-racial writers who are queer and people think they’ve misheard the question! Come along to this workshop if you are interested in this intersection of identities, want to learn more about mixed-queer writers and writing, and for a chance to write, and share your work with others if you choose to. Blog: clareramsaran.blogspot.com Blogger at: http://www.mixedremixed.org/author/clare/
Clare Ramsaran born and raised in England, checks “other” on forms when asked to define her heritage, or creates her own category: “Indo-Guyanese/Irish”. An MFA candidate at the University of San Francisco, she is working on a novel about two Caribbean brothers who join other immigrants to London in the 1950s, and their pursuit of love (of the inter-racial and queer varieties) and justice. Her writing has been published in anthologies and journals.