We all got a little rest this week after that very exciting last-hours rally to meet our Indiegogo fundraising goal! Thank you all again. But now the countdown begins to the Festival. Have you saved your spot yet?–Heidi Durrow
Cards in Color, Multiracial Greeting Cards For You

We are so excited that Cards in Color is helping us make this the very biggest LA Loving Day ever. You can help us too and get a great gift! You can get either two or five Cards in Color greeting cards from Cards in Color, the first cards to celebrate multiracial individuals, family and experience.
You’ll love these beautiful greeting cards that show families that look like yours and mine. Please donate now. For just a $6 donation you will get 2 greeting cards. For an $11 donation you will get 5! And our eternal gratitude too!
Are You a Proud Supporter of the Mixed Remixed Festival
Have you donated to the Festival Indiegogo campaign? If you haven’t, I sure hope you will. We’re running out of time to reach our fundraising goal this year. We’ve added some great new perks including a personal telephone call from a star of the CW’s new hit series Starcrossed and a gourmet dinner prepared by a personal chef recently featured in Food Republic. Please donate whatever you can! Please donate now.–Heidi Durrow