How do I claim my Pre-registered reservation?
Your Festival name badge will indicate whether you Pre-registered – there are no physical tickets. Doors to the theatre open at 5:45PM for Pre-registered reservations only. This is a sold-out event and we recommend “pre-registered” arrive by 5:30PM to line up for first choice of seats. The members of your party must be seated. After 6:10pm, all vacant seats will be given to Wait List.
How does the Wait List work?
Vacant seats remaining unclaimed at 6:10pm will be released to our Wait List. The Wait List is now closed. The Wait List line will begin forming outside the JANM Democracy Forum as early as 5:30PM. We will begin seating at 6:10PM and is first come, first serve. When the theatre has reached capacity, no additional guests will be admitted.
What time should I arrive for the show?
Be advised; come early! It is not unexpected for people to start lining up at the entrance to JANM Democracy Forum prior to 5:30PM. Seating is limited.
All guests arriving before the theatre is open for seating will be asked to form single file lines outside the entrance to JANM Democracy Forum. Please wait in line based on your reservation type: “Pre-registered” or “Wait List”. We begin seating “pre-registered” approximately 40 to 45 minutes before showtime and “wait list 20 minutes before showtime. The show will begin promptly at 6:30PM.