Storytelling: Art & Activism Unite as Mixed Race People Tell Stories & Create Community
Storytelling is a powerful, historical, cultural practice that has the ability to create social change. As mixed race people, we have many stories to tell as we build within and between our various communities. This workshop is designed to engage us in sharing our stories in order to build accountability, interrupt oppression, address anti-blackness, create spaces for healing and lift up strategies to strengthen communities. We are excited to engage with storytellers, writers and artists who are committed to social justice and racial equity.
Amity Paye works in communications at a labor union and has written for various outlets including The Nation, NBC, The Root, The Amsterdam News and more. She is also the Communications Co-Chair of the NYC Chapter of the Black Youth Project 100 and does supportive communications work for various Black Lives Matter groups.Rachael Ibrahim, MSW; a passionate community organizer, trainer, and artist. Her work is rooted in a structural racial equity framework, the impact of intersecting oppressions, and her experience as a black mixed-race woman from the Midwest. She centers accountable relationships in movement building to create transformation.
Rachael Ibrahim, MSW; a passionate community organizer, trainer, and artist. Her work is rooted in a structural racial equity framework, the impact of intersecting oppressions, and her experience as a black mixed-race woman from the Midwest. She centers accountable relationships in movement building to create transformation.