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Mixed Love Notes #mixedlovenotes Mixed Race Pride?
Hello dear wonderful YOU!
We hope you think of the Mixed Remixed Festival as your annual homecoming
–the place where you feel most comfortable and at ease, the place where you feel safe about talking about your mixed-ness and difference (and hair:)), the place where people aren’t doing “math” on your family trying to figure out how you all belong together.
But the Festival happens just once a year and we know that it is sometimes a daily struggle to deal with the “What are you? question” and all of the micro-aggressions you experience as someone who is mixed or in a blended family.
So we created Mixed Love Notes #mixedlovenotes to help remind you about all the awesome-ness that is you.
For the rest of February we’ll share a new #mixedlovenote every day as a daily affirmation to help you through the day. We’re sharing these #mixedlovenotes with you and we hope you’ll share the message with others too. Sign up below and you’ll get a #mixedlovenote delivered directly to your inbox every day for the rest of the month.
TELL US: Do you have ideas for a Mixed Love Note? Leave a comment here or on our Facebook page or via Twitter (@mixedremixed).
Here’s to you and a happy love-filled February! From our heart to yours!
The Mixed Remixed Team
10 Essential Affirmations for Biracial and Mixed Race People
Growing up as a mixed kid in the 1970s and 1980s, I didn’t have the kind of role models or community that we’re creating these days with organizations like the Mixed Remixed Festival. I would have loved to have even an encouraging voice to help me in those moments I felt most discouraged, or alone, or alienated because of my mixed-ness. Here are 10 affirmations for biracial and mixed-race people that we hope will resonate on those days when you feel like no one understands your Mixed experience. We call them #mixedlovenotes-Heidi Durrow, Festival Founder
- I am enough.
2. I get the best of both worlds.
3. I am not confused. I am multitudes.
4. I’m not half anything.
5. The world strives to embrace diversity. I personify it.
6. “I’m not choosing. I have a right to name myself.”
7. My story is important even if it’s very specific. People find the universal in what is honest and true.
8. My hair gave me my earliest lessons in what it means to be audacious.
9. “I’m not the color of my skin. I’m a story.” – Heidi Durrow
10. I don’t feel lonely in my Mixed experience anymore. I have a home at the Mixed Remixed Festival.