We’re extending the deadline for submissions! SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW DUE 2/13! Filmmakers note: we MUST RECEIVE your DVD by that date; it is not a postmark deadline.
We are are especially interested in finding individuals who are interested in speaking on panels. That means you don’t have to have a panel proposal and all the panelists confirmed to put your name in the mix to be a presenter at the Mixed Remixed Festival.
So if you are someone who has an interesting angle on the Mixed, multiracial, or transracial adoption experience, why not introduce yourself? We’ll match the most interesting folks on panels that we are certain will be dynamic, informative and transformative! So bloggers, writers, students, artists, actors, scholars, filmmakers, community leaders, please apply NOW!
But we’re also looking for performers, filmmakers, artists, and writers. Apply now!
Have questions about the submission process? Please email info@mixedremixed.org.-Heidi Durrow