Here’s another in the series from my personal blog, Light-skinned-ed Girl, from 2008.
When adorable five-year-old Niece stops by to say hello, she and my husband play the jumping-on-the-bed game, the I’m-going-to-tickle-you game, and any other kind of fun that riles her up into a tizzy of energy–and then we send her home. Hee hee–that’s the great benefit of being Auntie and Uncle. Well, this Auntie and Uncle are trying to change our ways and not send the kid home in a frenzy for her folks to deal with. When Niece (and her mom) stopped by the other day, after the jumping, tickling, wiggling and assorted frenzy-making activity (all in the span of about 20 minutes), we played a calmer game: I Spy. “I spy with my little eye, something white,” Niece said. We gave a few wrong answers and she would giggle and say “Nooooo” delighted that she had picked something we would never guess. The something white was Uncle’s teeth. Of course! Then there had to be one more round of I Spy before she would leave: “I spy with my little eye something blue.” Was it Uncle’s pants? Was it the blue in the drawing she made for us? Was it the sky? No. No. No. “What is it?” . . .
Read the rest of the post on my personal blog here.–Heidi Durrow