We’re seeking writers, filmmakers, performers, spoken word artists, musicians and singers for Mixed Remixed Festival 2014. Submissions are open through Jan. 15, 2014. For details visit www.mixedremixed.org.
Mixed Remixed is an exciting new media and arts festival celebrating racial and cultural connectedness and the Mixed experience which will be held June 14, 2014 at the Japanese American National Museum in downtown Los Angeles.
As a founder of the original multiracial/multicultural film and book festival that showcased many talented filmmakers, writers, and performers (including Key & Peele, Rebecca Walker, Kip Fulbeck, Danzy Senna, Carleen Brice, Kim Wayans & Kevin Knotts, Angela Nissel, Neil Aitken, Mat Johnson, Faith Adiele, Sundee Frazier, and Karyn Parsons), I’m excited about this project which promises to be even bigger and better and will also highlight playwrights, visual artists, and multidiscliplinary artists!