Identifying as Biracial or Mixed Race is Not a Pathological Stance
1. We think we are (or really want to be) white.
If only I had a nickel for every time I’ve read a comment like this. It’s really an offensive comment too. How on earth do YOU (read random hater) know what I want for myself. When I say that I am biracial or am specific about my racial and cultural background, it means that I want to be all of what my experience makes me. Period.
2. We are uncomfortable around people of color.
This comment is also so thoroughly offensive. Half of my family is made up of people of color. In fact, I’m a person of color. Just because I don’t buy into the idea of race as America insists I should doesn’t mean that I feel alienated from my own family or my own people.
3. We don’t understand the reality of white or light-skinned privilege.
Yes, we do. Can we just start the conversation there?
4. We harbor self-hating beliefs.
Okay, I did struggle with that growing up hearing that I didn’t belong anywhere. But as an adult I understand that my psychic health demands that I embrace and accept all of who I am–even if that identification makes other people uncomfortable!
The one I hear most often is why don’t you just pass, I don’t want to reject the colored, Afro part of my identity even if it’s not obvious. I identify with my family of color, my father and grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
It can be so frustrating to have to prove one’s allegiance 🙁